About Us

We are a very small-scale hobby breeder located in the suburbs of Denver, Colorado. We only breed once every year to every other year. Our dogs are our family – they live in our homes and are not kennel dogs.

We first discovered the Alaskan Klee Kai after the death of one of our beloved American Pit Bull Terriers (APBT). We were looking for a breed that was well-suited to the Colorado outdoors, but also wasn’t as large as a Siberian Husky or Alaskan Malamute. We also used to show APBT’s in UKC Conformation, so we wanted a breed that we could also show!

We found ICE (In Colorado Exclusively) Klee Kai in 2019, and soon found ourselves the proud new doggy parents of Jax, our very first Klee Kai! Michelle Short (owner/breeder at ICE) has been (and continues to be) a wonderful resource for us as we learn this breed and venture into the world of breeding.

Michelle is an absolutely outstanding breeder and a lovely person as well. If you are looking for a high quality, well-bred Alaskan Klee Kai, please check out her website – she breeds throughout the year, and we whole-heartedly recommend her for anyone looking to get started in this breed!

We absolutely fell in love with the Alaskan Klee Kai. Klee Kai are quirky, sweet, and incredibly smart. Klee Kai are athletic, and high-energy. Jax took to the hiking trails and 14,000′ mountains of Colorado with vigor and enthusiasm. He is an all-around wonderful dog with an outstanding temperament.

If you’d like to follow along with our adventures – find us on Instagram – @properkleekai