Happy 2025!
2024 was one for the record books for us at Proper Klee Kai.
Juneau earned the very first Diamond Grand Champion title, and has been busy racking up the weight pull titles. She earned a reserve Best In Show in September, and a Best In Show in October! Too many group 1’s to count this year. Juneau also finished the year with over 200 top ten breed points. The next highest dog didn’t break 100. Jax also finished this year in the top ten as well.
We are currently planning at least one litter for fall/winter of 2025, Juneau’s last and final litter. We are very likely going to be breeding Emmi as well, if we have enough interest in puppies and if she passes all of her health clearances.
If you are interested in a puppy from us, please fill out our application: https://forms.gle/5f6bBvViSafniT1g6